4 tablespoons butter
1 cup honey
4 teaspoons vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup peanut butter
Bring butter, honey, vanilla and salt to a simmer for 15 minutes. Add peanut buter and stir and simmer another five minutes.
Pour into a flat bottom container. Cool and cut into squares.
I'm addicted to these things. I have found that in excess they do cause a bit of gas...I'm thinking that it is because my gut is not all healed yet...and ofcourse because of the yeast, I probably shouldn't really be having honey at all...but gee whiz...it is so good to be able to indulge in a special treat like this...and the gas is nothing compared to what eating a candy bar would have done to me.
Maybe the dairy ingredients in the butter causes your gas. I would substitute Spectrum Naturals palm oil shortening or even coconut oil for the butter. Maybe just omit the butter and use natural organic peanut butter with the other ingredients. I have a sesame, almond butter candy recipe you might like in my Sugar Free, gluten free recipe book. Here it is:
1/4 cup brown rice syrup (maybe substitute honey),
1/2 c. almond butter,
1 cup sesame seeds,
1/4 c. arrowroot or quinoa flour.
Mix all ingredients together in large bowl. Drop by spoonfuls onto cooky sheet lined with parchment paper and chill. (20 pieces unless you snitch tastes while mixing. LOL)
Actually, I can eat butter on almond bread without any problem...and I did use all natural peanut butter on this one. The honey is not suggested for the scd until you are a few weeks into it(as is the almond flour by the way), but I just decided to do my own thing and it hasn't been too bad. Being not so strict has helped me to stay on it. Even though I understand that people with bigger problems really need to do this the way that it is suggested in the book.
I think part of the problem for me could also be because peanut butter tends to bind me a little bit. Anyway...it just goes to show that every thing in moderation is the key...overdoing it, even on a good thing can be bad for you.
Your recipe sounds delicious too...but not quite scd, even changing the rice syrup to honey...the seeds and flour is still questionable I think.
I still get gas and bloating when I overeat ANYTHING. So stopping at satisfaction can also help prevent uncomfortable symptoms. I drink a lot of ginger tea after meals where I overate. That always relieves 'too full' discomfort.
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